• Glow with Health - eBook - $29 [alert type="alert"]eBook - This product will be Emailed to you immediately upon purchase. [/alert] [alert type="secondary"]Paperback - This physical book will be posted to you [/alert] Not just a recipe book! A guide on sensible (super) nutrition made simple! Including all the essential information you need about good nutrition, sorting out the correct information, tying it together in an easy to follow text accompanied by delicious and easy recipes to make it practical, possible and above all, ‘liveable’ for the whole family. This is the book to bridge the gap and make healthy eating simple, tasty and fun for all.
  • Vitality, Virility and Longevity, is all about supplying your mind and body with the right biological conditions, and surprising yourself at the incredible healing and rejuvenation power of your own body. The first, and most important book for all people who are serious about helping themselves to revitalization, health and healing which is in reality, rejuvenation. PLEASE NOTE: It has been my observation that patients who have had covid vaccinations require a 'modified' detoxification program. I therefore recommend they have a consultation with me before proceeding with the rejuvenation plan I outline in this book. - Peter Edwards - 2022
  • This is the book that has been responsible for many people completely recovering from serious neck and back problems and becoming strong and supple in their bodies again. It shows you how to stretch, tone and balance the muscular skeletal frame of the whole body, replacing tension with peace and physical weakness and pain with strength and ease.
  • Learn how to calm your mind, clear your thinking and gain greater control over how you are feeling and responding. Oxygen is pure brain food and literally 'electrifies the living body with energy'! This book was written by Peter to bring out the importance of not only how to breathe correctly, but also how to allow your body to also breathe more fully. Learn to breathe fully and experience life more abundently!
  • A brilliant book that covers diverse topics such as: how to feed your child to build their health so strong that they will overcome disease and stay well, preparation for bringing a healthy baby into the world beginning before pregnancy and continuing through pregnancy; fertility and reproductive problems for both men and women; supplements during pregnancy; morning sickness and other illnesses during pregnancy.
  • Peter has shared this information and taught these simple exercises to restore many knees and avoid surgery. If you know what to do, you can most often help yourself! The key is - knowing what to do and how to do it correctly. Learn from someone who has done it himself - Successfully!
  • The use of gravity to safely stretch and reduce pressure along the spinal column has proven one of the most effective ways of taking pressure off spinal nerves and reducing pain. Learn how you can safely 'decompress your spine' and bring relief where there has been tension and pain. This method of therapy, developed by an Orthopaedic surgeon has helped many to prevent surgery.
  • Become a Master of Internal Detoxification and Decongestion of the Colon through the therapeutic use of Peter's Internal Bath. This e book shows how to maximise your abilities in gaining quick and easy  relief when needed.  
  • I have been treating patients with the Ross River Fever and Dengue Fever viruses for almost 30 years with close to 100% success  using the same program and now with increasingly swifter results! This is an eBook and will be sent to your email address as a link to download.

  • A story of hope for all with digestive & bowel problems now made both practical and inexpensive, without the use of Drugs! Peter shares how he not only cured himself of a lifetime of serious digestive and bowel problems, but also how this discovery did more for his total health than anything he had ever done in more than quarter of a century of research and experience in the health sciences. Now, in this book, Peter shows you how to do the same. An excellent book! eBook - This product will be Emailed to you immediately upon purchase.
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