Back Magic – Rejuvenate Your Body (eBook)


This is the book that has been responsible for many people completely recovering from serious neck and back problems and becoming strong and supple in their bodies again. It shows you how to stretch, tone and balance the muscular skeletal frame of the whole body, replacing tension with peace and physical weakness and pain with strength and ease.

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Rejuvenate Your Body and Keep it Young for Life

The title says it all. This book shows you how to stretch, tone and balance your muscular skeletal frame replacing tension with peace and physical weakness and pain with strength and ease. Here is the information and exercises that has greatly assisted many with serious back and neck conditions and spinal injuries. Learn how to rejuvenate your body – for life! Also, The DVD ‘THE 30 MINUTES THAT CAN BUY YOU 20 YEARS’, that  demonstrates the exercise program in this book, is also available.

Dear Peter, After only the first three days of your program my longstanding relentless lower back pain of many years, miraculously disappeared and has vanished completely. What a relief – I can now go around with a smile on my face.
I send you congratulations for your successful efforts and grateful heartfelt “Thanks a million” Yours sincerely Shirley Wisdom

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