Consider Enhancing and expanding your Skill Set and Boosting your Practitioner Power

Elevate your Rewards and Income both Personally and Professionally.

I have enjoyed an absolutely amazing career doing what I love to do and seeing others benefit from my efforts and service. I have experience ‘living my dream’ for the past almost 50 years and being in full-time ‘thriving’ clinical practice for well over 40 of those years. Now is time for a change. While I will continue to see patients, mainly complicated cases these days, the natural inclination of my mind and soul is to share the best of what I have discovered works well in clinical practice. Now I offer my services to practitioners as a ‘mentor’ in Postgraduate studies. In particular, ‘Holistic Natural Therapies’.

If you feel the need to take your studies and clinical skills further in the direction of the subjects I speak about andteach. Consider studying with me to fine-tune and sharpen your skills or learn new skills in the other area of Holistic Naturopathy that I offer and teach in my academy.

Teaching by the most excellent form of science, ‘clinical observation and experience’!

“I studied Natural Medicine and Naturopathy 20 years ago. I was most fortunate to have Dr Peter Edwards lecture at our Naturopathic college on Iridology, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition and Holistic Healing, Cleansing and The Vitality Health Model. Dr Peter was and remains to be a foremost authority on the foundational healing practices that our Fathers in Natural Medicine taught about the wonderful capacity of the Body to Self heal, Self regulate, and Self Diagnose. Peter is an intuitive healer of the whole person, and his ability to discern the whole persons needs through his Iridology is second to none. Peter is an expert in understanding the finite machinations of how to interpret the whole person, being physical, mental and emotional. His fundamental teachings in natural healing are rare these days. I feel extremely blessed that he imparted his wisdom to me as his student, because Peter does not teach students to “treat symptoms”. He teaches the student how to understand their own rhythms, to trust their bodies and how to accept the concept of healing. What always has stood out to me about Peter, is how positive and motivated he is. Peters words are so powerful, and his belief in his students (and patients) to heal, and be healed, is significant!  I truly valued his teaching, and I humbly remain one of his students even 20 years later! Peter walks his Vitality talk himself, so is qualified to teach others the true ART of Natural Medicine, as originally taught before naturopaths became prescribers. I believe God himself uses Peter because of his authenticity, and his gift as a healer. My life truly changed being Dr Peter Edwards student“

Kindest Regards,

Suzanna Dahl 2024

New Courses in Psycho Somatic Therapies for Mind Body Healing.

Two Very Unique and essential courses for Holistic Practitioners:

1. ’Counselling Skills for Holistic Therapists’

If you loose all your money you have lost much.

If you loose your health you have lost much more.

But if you have lost your peace of mind, you have lost everything! 

Learn the skills that will assist the client in regaining Peace of Mind,

Confidence, Personal power and poise 

2. ’Psycho Therapeutic Massage’ The ‘touch / talk approach’. 

‘The Body remembers what the mind forgets’

Enabling the practitioner to access and bring to the surface, deeply held ‘pent up emotion’ and help the client to identify and deal with underlying mental and emotional issues that are causing problems in their lives. 

The massage ‘touch’ is like a mantra, the ‘talk’, like the meditation. Distracting the mind and allowing the deeper thoughts and reasons expression.

Learn ‘The Art of Touch’ and ‘Real’ Therapeutic Massage from a highly experienced and skilled Remedial Therapist and Body worker.

Assisting the patient/client in safe and effective physical activity & exercise therapy to stimulating the healing response. Learn from a Therapeutic Yoga Teacher, qualified gym and fitness instructor.

While Nutrition is not everything, without Nutrition, everything else is nothing! The course is for awake and aware individuals.

It may not be what you are eating but, What is eating you! Learn how to ‘meet the patient / client where they are at’!

Possibly the most important skills for the Complementary Therapist. Learn life-changing techniques to enhance mental wellness, uplift and inspire.

There has never been a more needed time to study Complementary Therapies. While modern medicine will always have its place, it has become very ‘hi-tech’ and pharmaceutically ‘drug based’ to the extent, the treatment protocols often cause other problems.

Complementary Therapies on the other hand, are ‘non-invasive’ meaning, when applied correctly, they ‘do no harm’ as is written in the Hippocratic Oath. To my mind, Holistic Complementary Therapies are the future of sustainable, reliable healthcare on this planet.

 Correct knowledge in action – Is Power – and can change your life and the lives of those you treat/teach! This philosophy forms the basis of my Holistic Complementary Therapies courses. – Peter Edwards