Structural Balancing & Restoration
Corrective exercise, Inversion Therapy
This is the second half of the health and wellness story, the physical side. ‘Physical discipline is the first step towards self awareness’! Health is not just an academic or philosophical theme. It is a ‘way of living’. Health, healing and lasting wellness are dependent on knowing how to move the body to stimulate the healing response and raise the vitality. Anything in nature’s kingdom that is slowing down is either dying or, already dead! This subject is essential for teaching a ‘balanced, healthy successful living’. These practical subjects will be at a live seminar.*
Key Texts (eBooks) and online DVD’s:
Back Magic – rejuvenate your Body and Keep it Young for Life
Vitality Breathing – for peace and power
Vitality Breathing online DVD
Vitality Walking – keeps you healthy and fit inside & out
The 30 minutes that can buy you 20 years – The Vitality Total Fitness Program – online DVD
Reshape Your Body – Reshape your Life online DVD
E-Book – Spinal Decompression Through Gravity Traction
E book – Knee Rehabilitation