Glow with Health – Simple Transition Recipes


Glow with Health – eBook – $29

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Not just a recipe book! A guide on sensible (super) nutrition made simple! Including all the essential information you need about good nutrition, sorting out the correct information, tying it together in an easy to follow text accompanied by delicious and easy recipes to make it practical, possible and above all, ‘liveable’ for the whole family. This is the book to bridge the gap and make healthy eating simple, tasty and fun for all.

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A healthy ‘liveable’ nutrition plan for the whole family

‘Nutrition is a great science. While it is not everything, without the use of nutrition, everything else will be nothing.’ – Dr Bernard Jensen

Joined by wife and food- magic specialist, Patricia, Glow With Health provides the ‘real information’ you need to successfully transform your diet and eating habits to make you do just as the title suggests. This Australia Best Seller contains a large selection of easy to prepare, delicious recipes (mostly gluten and dairy free and low sugar), shopping lists with what to look for, with plenty of tasty variety and all sorts of great ideas to put it all into practice and make it work. It is a complete nutritional guide also containing a ‘healthy meal and nutrition plan’ for the whole family.

“I have been in clinical practice for more than thirty years and have tied the most essential information together in this book. My wife Patricia has backed this up with easy and delicious recipes that make living this nutritional program practical and simple.”


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