Happiness is a Regular Complete Bowel Motion


(1 customer review)

A story of hope for all with digestive & bowel problems now made both practical and inexpensive, without the use of Drugs! Peter shares how he not only cured himself of a lifetime of serious digestive and bowel problems, but also how this discovery did more for his total health than anything he had ever done in more than quarter of a century of research and experience in the health sciences. Now, in this book, Peter shows you how to do the same. An excellent book!

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‘All diseases begin in the gut’ – Hippocrates

Are you one of the many who suffer from the devitalizing, degenerating, life-draining and disease producing affects of digestive and bowel problems? If you are, or know someone who is, read on and gain some real and meaningful hope!

Peter’s book is a story of hope for all with digestive & bowel problems now made both practical and inexpensive, without the use of Drugs. Peter shares how he not only cured himself of a lifetime of serious digestive and bowel problems, but also how this discovery did more for his total health than anything he had ever done in more than quarter of a century of research and experience in the health sciences. Constipation; Diarrhoea; Diverticulitis; Crohn’s disease; Colitis; Ulcerative colitis; Irritable Bowel Syndrome; Inflammatory Bowel disease; Haemorrhoids; Bed wetting; Anal incontinence; Appendicitis and related problems; Gas and bloating; Indigestion (and what is now called GORD); Incontinence; Ulcers; Indigestion/ heartburn; Hiatus hernia; Reflux; Urinary tract infections; Back problems; Gall bladder; Prostate and Bladder problems can in many cases be a thing of the past. Many have been saved from the surgeon’s knife. Many more have recovered from other serious diseases as a result of the information in this book!

1 review for Happiness is a Regular Complete Bowel Motion

  1. Shirley Wisdom

    Dear Peter,

    The results are especially astonishing when I consider that after twenty –five years of misery and restriction, (from a legacy of gangrenous appendix and septicaemia), and the resulting chronic Diverticular disease, IBS, toxic bowel and digestive problems from birth, with five major abdominal operations and four hospitalizations for various procedures! I now feel the best in years…I was on the slippery slope towards imminent bowel surgery and colostomy.

    Once again I can now lead an active normal life, and travel about again without fear and restriction, a situation nearly impossible before, when my bowels controlled my life. NOW I CONTROL THEM with new confidence and a more relaxed attitude to life. I can now face the future again positively in mind as well as body, a blessing indeed, and something money cannot buy.

    Yours sincerely
    Shirley Wisdom

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