Spinal Decompression Using Gravity Traction (eBook)


The use of gravity to safely stretch and reduce pressure along the spinal column has proven one of the most effective ways of taking pressure off spinal nerves and reducing pain. Learn how you can safely ‘decompress your spine’ and bring relief where there has been tension and pain. This method of therapy, developed by an Orthopaedic surgeon has helped many to prevent surgery.



Gravity Traction is to my mind, (drawing on almost four decades of observation and experience) one of the most significant developments in spinal restoration and recovery in the history of human discovery. It has done more than saved me and many of my patients from the surgeon’s knife! It has effectively reduced long standing debilitating pain and associated suffering and given life back to many thousands of decrepit souls all over the world! Do I sound passionate? Yes I am! I am a product of what this remarkable therapeutic device can do!

When used as it is designed to be used, along with the proper nutritional plan I give all my patients, I know of nothing to equal its effectiveness.  – Peter Edwards

Gravity Traction Units also Available. Please contact our office for details.
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