ND, PhD, D.Litt. ‘Honoris Causa’, RT, MYT

Holistic Naturopathic Physician

Professor of Health Science (Retd)

B.AppSc – Naturopathy and Traditional Medicine

Master Yoga Therapist

Medical Herbalist

Clinical Nutritionist

Master Iridologist

Master Yoga Teacher (Therapeutic)

Bachelor – Remedial Physical Therapies

Honours in Humanistic Psychology, Psychoanalysis

Gymnasium & Fitness Instructor

Certified Functional Ageing Specialist

Certified Brain Health & Neuro Trainer

‘Knighthood of Malta’. Knight of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem

FELLOW: The Australian Traditional Medicine Society

FELLOW – The Register of Royal Complementary Practitioners

Member Yoga Alliance International

Founder and Principal ‘Academy of Biological Lifestyle Therapies’

Now Peter Edwards Open International Academy of Holistic Therapies’.

1974- 78 Carpentry apprenticeship

1977 Certificate of Basic Sciences (Anatomy & Physiology). NSW College of Naturopathic Sciences.

1978 Diploma of Massage Therapy – Health Schools International.

1979-81 Self-Funded Missionary Service

1984 Diploma of Physical Culture and Human Performance. Fitness & Exercise Professional – Health Schools International.

1985 Diploma of Nutritional Science from Health Schools International.

1985 Full member. Australian Traditional Medicine Society

1985 Bachelor of Massage Therapy. All Australian Registrar of Massage Therapists

1986 Certificate of ‘Medical Acupuncture’ Medicina Alternativa

1986 ‘The Gravity Guilding System of Inversion Therapy’ Course of instruction presented by Dr. Robert Lockhart D.C.

1988, Diplomas 1 & 2 of Opthalmotropic Phenomena (Iridology). College of Somatic Studies

1988 Certificate of Merit. Bernard Jensen International

1988. Diploma of Naturopathy. Health Schools Australia

1992 Diploma of Applied Science (Naturopathy). The Gold Coast Academy of Natural Therapies.

1992 Bachelor of Applied Science (Naturopathy and Traditional Medicine) The Gold Coast Academy of Natural Therapies.

1992 Diploma of Nature Cure. Northern College of Naturopathy

1998 Launched: Vitality Living HealthCare series. Publication of Five Books and Production of Four DVD’s

1998 Full member, Australian Society of Authors Limited

1999 Excellence in Naturopathy Award for ‘Outstanding contribution to Naturopathic practice’. The Queensland Naturopathic Association

2000 Doctor of Philosophy (Health Science). Medicina Alternativa. Open International University for Complementary Medicines

2001 Doctor of Literature ‘Honoris Causa’. Open International University for Complementary Medicines

2001 Gold Medal of Excellence Award. Medicina Alternativa

2001 The Fellowship Register of Royal Complementary Practitioners. F.R.C.P. (M.A) Medicina Alternativa Insititute

2001 VIP Speaker for The Open International University for Complementary Medicines

2002 – 2007 Visiting Professor. The Open International University for Complementary Medicines

2002 Established ‘PAN HARMONY INTERNATIONAL’ Education and Rejuvenation Retreat

2002 Medical ‘Knighthood of Malta’. Knight of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem

2002 Distinguished Award. Mankind Enlightenment Love. M – E – L

2002 Founded and Principal: The Academy of Biological Lifestyle Therapies

2013 Integrative Oncology Master Class Post Graduate studies

2014 Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy. Health Schools Australia

2014 Advanced Diploma of Nutritional Medicine. Health Schools Australia

2014 Advanced Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine. Health Schools Australia

2014 Diploma of Remedial Therapies. Health Schools Australia

2014 Certificate III & IV in Fitness & Personal Training. Fitnance Australia

2014 Registered Senior Level ‘Advanced Exercise Professional’. Fitness Australia

2014 Certified Functional Ageing Specialist. Functional Ageing Institute USA

2014 Certificate of Teaching, Registered Yoga Teacher. Nicki Knoff’s School of Yoga

2015 YogaFit Instructor. YogaFit Australia

2017 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D) Yoga Teacher. YogaFit Australia

2017 ‘Expert Teacher Designation’ – Yoga Alliance Australia

2017 Founded and Principal: ‘Peter Edwards Healthy Ageing Institute’

2019 Certified Brain Health Trainer – Functional Ageing Institute USA

2019 Certified Neuro Trainer – Functional Ageing Institute USA

2024 Senior Level 6 Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher 1500

2024 Launch of ‘Peter Edwards Open International Academy of Holistic Therapies’.


Peter Edwards was born and raised on Queensland’s Gold Coast, where he enjoyed many years of successful sporting activities. He was an Australian roller skating champion and became the youngest Artistic Roller Skating Judge for the Australian Federation of Amateur Roller Skating.

He was the Australian Tae Kwon Do champion, represented his region in high school football and was a Grand Final winner in his final year and the same year was named his school’s ‘Athletic Champion’.

Peter commenced and completed a 4 year  apprenticeship as a Carpenter.

All his dreams of competing in the World Roller Skating Titles, and of a future sporting career, came to an abrupt halt on 24 May, 1975 when a surfing accident caused such serious spinal injury to his neck and back that specialists said he might never play sport again.

He sought advice from various medical and health care professionals but found little help for his condition. Severe and constant pain and increasing stiffness became his lot and, for the first time in his life, he experienced the bitter taste of depression and desperation.

A referral to a naturopath in 1976 was to be the turning point of his life. By changing his diet and doing a special ‘detoxification diet’, the cystic acne from which he had suffered for the previous four years disappeared. More than this, the detoxification diet did more to help Peter with his neck and back problem than anything he had done previously including all the Chiropractic, Osteopathic and massage therapies he had received.

He was previously on very strong antibiotics for three years for his skin that had literally poisoned him and rendered him a ‘digestive cripple’ and had undergone surgery on his face for removal of cysts during this time. This medicine is now used as a chemotherapy drug (no wonder his hair fell out!) Peter learnt how it was possible to help himself and it was then that he experienced what he called ‘a moment of truth’. He not only realized the benefits of natural health care but that the body can heal itself when given the chance. He was inspired to study and become a Naturopath.

Peter Bio Black and White

In 1976 Peter chose to study Naturopathy, not realizing this would change his life. Peter discovered the physical benefits of ‘Corrective Exercise’ and was also introduced to Hatha Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation. He found a natural inclination for the Natural Healing Arts and yoga which quickly developed into a daily practice and passion enjoying seminars held by visiting international teachers as well as engaging in his own studies and personal practice.

Alexander Everett, an amazing and enlightened American meditation teacher conducted seminars in Australia he called ‘Inward Bound’ which had a profound effect on Peter’s recovery and life. These sessions were aimed at helping people to discover more about themselves on a deeper level. The two became friends and Peter gained a wonderful mentor. It was at this time in Peter’s life his ‘awareness was awoken’. He learned the art of guided meditation, creative visualisation, positive affirmation as well as deep relaxation.

In the same year he commenced part-time work as a Naturopathic assistant for his first Mentor, Dr Tony Holt DC, ND, D.Ac. and graduated as a Remedial Massage Therapist in 1978. Realising that Corrective exercises were significantly helping his recovery, he completed a course in ‘Physical Culture and Human Performance’ and in 1984 graduated with a Diploma as an Exercise and Fitness Instructor specialising in Corrective Exercise.

In this same year Peter opened his own clinic specialising in muscular/skeletal problems and detoxification.

This was just the start of a fullfillment and wonderful sense of destiny and achievement. Along with his Remedial and therapeutic massage treatments, Peter developed sets of corrective exercises adopted from the best yoga postures and therapeutic exercises he had found to assist his own recovery. Peter’s clinic thrived and became one of the largest clinics in the State.

Later that same year he gained his Bachelor of Massage Therapy. In 1985 he gained an Advanced Diploma of Nutritional Science from Health Schools International. In 1986 a certificate of ‘Medical Acupuncture’ and in 1988, Diplomas 1 & 2 of Opthalmotropic Phenomena (Iridology).

Peter graduated as a Naturopath Physician (ND) in 1988. Advanced Diplomas in Naturopathy, Nutritional Medicine, Western Herbal Medicine and Remedial Massage Therapies from Health Schools Australia. A Bachelor of Applied Science (Naturopathy and Traditional Medicine) in 1992 from the Gold Coast Academy of Natural Therapies.

Since 1989, Peter has been in great demand at naturopathic colleges and Government teaching establishments lecturing in the fields of Naturopathic Prescribing, Naturopathic Philosophy, Iridology and what he then called ‘Lifestyle Education’. The teaching stimulated Peter to begin serious research and writing on his subjects.

January 1992 Peter was again tested when, while rock climbing on a vertical rock face he disturbed a nest of wasps. Startled he slipped and fell vertically. His fall was fortunately broken by tree branches before landing hard on his left hip. Specialist examination and X Ray revealed he had crushed several intervertebral discs in his lumbar spine and had multiple compression fractures in his thoracic spine. This required serious effort and focus for many months of rehabilitation. Peter had to draw on all he had learnt and taught in this challenge and health crisis. He created a well organised routine of corrective exercise for rehabilitation, (specific Yoga and therapeutic exercise).

He also included the regular systematic use of ‘Inversion Therapy’ which is gravity traction to ‘decompress’ his spinal column. This was a significant key to pain reduction and enhancing recovery. Fasting, detoxification and special foods and herbs were also used and of great assistance. The outcome was outstandingly successful.

As providence would have it, while attending the National Natural Health Conference in November that year, the Keynote speaker was ‘inadvertently’ injure and could not attend and present. Peter was asked to present and the rest is history! Peter shared his incredible story of recovery and was swamped by delegates and asked if he had a book! Realising this need and opportunity Peter said ‘Yes’!

As a result of his self-made improvement and audience fame, Peter commenced writing his first book entitled ‘BACK MAGIC – Rejuvenate Your Body and Keep it Young for Life’. It contained specific postures and movements for rehabilitating the back and spine. He also recorded a DVD which was a ‘flowing visual’ (Vinasa flow) he referred to as ‘Dynamic Yoga’ to demonstrate these exercises.

Another book in his series, ‘VITALITY BREATHING’ was on the controlled use of the breath, Therapeutic Breathing and referred to in yoga as ‘Pranayama’ for increasing vitality and stimulating the healing response. This was also matched with a visual DVD demonstrating these exercises. Realizing the nutritional and chemical side of the story also ought to be told, the book was subdivided and ‘Vitality’ was also generated. From there the books and DVD’s multiplied into a complete Health Care Series.

As if his past health problems were not enough, Peter was yet again given the ultimate challenge and learning experience. The years of digestive problems from the acne drugs in his teens, coupled with a very high level of on-going stress in his first marriage, he developed a bowel condition, which doctors advised would require imminent surgery. This almost caused him to give up his work. Life had reached the point where he had to make an all out effort and get his own health results or have the operation and perhaps give up his work and plans for traveling and teaching people how to help themselves. How could he do that when he couldn’t even help himself?

A fit body is not a happy place to live when there is no peace of mind.

During this time Peter almost lost his peace of mind. He learnt about anxiety and panic attacks through firsthand experience. Through this he realized the necessity for ‘peace of mind’ and the governing effect the mind has on the health of the body.

He realized he had to be the one to change the course of his future and that no one else could do it for him. He had done all he could about treating his bowel condition but that was still not the answer. Something was missing. At that moment of desperation he reached into the deep reservoir of knowledge and recalled how, when at his very lowest ebb after his first accident, he had found meditation to be of significant help.

Utilising his mind to help his body made all the difference. That was the key to his healing and the missing link in his quest for understanding his body and how he could effectively help himself. This insight and appreciation filled out his training and observations.

Our state of mind has a governing influence in determining not only our functional health and the appearance of our body but also the quality of life we ultimately enjoy.
Peter soon realized God had not cursed him, as he had begun to think. He had cursed himself by his way of thinking and not controlling his mind and thoughts. Through not dealing with his stress correctly, he had allowed negative emotions to develop a physical condition in his bowel. That was why all the best food and exercise in the world could not correct the condition. Much of the problem was coming from his head.

The need for a check-up from the neck up

Once he understood this and learned how to use his mind in a positive way, there were no more panic attacks, anxiety, guilt or fear. No fear! And his bowels worked properly too! Finally, he was set free from the bondage he had created for himself simply because he didn’t know how to control his mind or how to use it correctly. As a result, Peter now had another book to write and add to his Health Care Series.

You can revitalize and to a large extent, rejuvenate your mind and body. You too can set yourself free from the bondage of physical and mental fatigue, suffering, devitalization and disease. It’s no longer just survival of the fittest, now it’s survival of the wisest. The time to ‘fix our future’ is now! It’s no longer what others can do for you but what you can do for yourself!

Vitality Living HealthCare series Launched in 1998

This is the message Peter now takes to the world with the power and conviction of his personal experiences. He is living testimony to the principles he now shares with others. Peter has conducted a very busy clinical practice since 1983 and continues to lecture nationally and internationally. He is the author of fourteen books and ten DVD’s. Most are available throughout Australia in public libraries and used by many Universities and Naturopathic Colleges teaching Health Science. Peter first launched his series in December 1998 in the Grand Ballroom of the elite Gold Coast International Hotel.

Peter has been recognised Nationally and Internationally for his ‘Self-Help’ education

Peter has lectured nationally and internationally presenting his Holistic Health-care and Self-care philosophy. International companies chose Peter to head their ‘Wellness’ education and he and his wife Patricia were flown to various part of the world presenting Peter’s concept and theme:

‘Wealth is not what you have – it’s what you are!’

Naturopath of the Year Award in 1999

Peter was honored by the Queensland Naturopathic Association and received their ‘Excellence in Naturopathy Award’ for ‘Outstanding contribution to naturopathic practice’ in recognition of the educational material he had produced.

Doctor of Philosophy 2000

Eight years of research, writing and the publication of five books formed the basis of Peter’s Thesis leading to a PhD ‘by his Publications’ from the Open International University for Complementary Medicines in 2000. Included in his research, he presented evidence demonstrating that many people can experience health problems from ingesting gluten yet not necessarily have celiac disease. This has since been proven scientifically and the condition is now known as, ‘Non Celiac Gluten Intolerance’.

Doctor of Literature ‘Honoris Causa’ 2001. For educational material created in the field of bibliotherapy (‘Self Help using information contained in Books as Therapy’).

Gold Medal of Excellence Award

Peter Edwards Doctor of Literature Award 2001In the same year Peter was again honored with ‘The Gold Medal of Excellence’ from Medicina Alternativa for his educational work.

For two years from January 2000 Peter enjoyed, with his wife Patricia, his ‘twenty year sabbatical’, traveling, doing further research and study, writing and lecturing throughout Australia and internationally. During this time, Peter was the first non-medical health practitioner to be invited into Aboriginal land to stay among and offer health services to the Yolnu people of Arnhem Land.

Visiting Professor 2002 – 2007

In November 2001 Peter was asked to be a ‘VIP’ speaker for The Open International University and in 2002 the Senate, in concurrence with the Department of Education & Academic Affairs, appointed Peter as a Visiting Professor within the University Academic System for a five year term.

Medical ‘Knighthood of Malta’

In light of his contribution and service in the area of health, Peter was formally Knighted, a Knight of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem; known as a ‘Knight of Malta’. This event happened in Australia on the 27th of July 2002.

In light of his contribution and service in the area of health, Peter was formally Knighted, a Knight of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem; known as a ‘Knight of Malta’. This event happened in Australia on the 27th of July 2002.


In 2003 Peter and his wife Patricia established their ‘PAN HARMONY Rejuvenation Sanctury’ which is now one of the few genuine rejuvenation facilities in the world offering individualized ‘Biological detoxification and Revitalization’ plans. The Accommodation, Hydrotherapy, Fitness Facilities and Yoga Studio are of the highest standard and specialised for the Art of Revitalisation and Healthy Ageing.

Academy of Biological Lifestyle Therapies

In 2003 Peter also established his Academy and Education Centre where he graduates highly skilled practitioners.

Integrative Oncology

In 2013 Peter completed postgraduate studies in Integrative Oncology. The course was conducted by world renown Clinical Nutritionist and Bio Chemist, Henry Osiecki who was honored to receive the CHC Industry Award for Industry Excellence in ‘Most Outstanding Contribution to Research, Education or Training’. Peter now offers real and practical support to many people suffering from the increasing and varied conditions of cancer in the modern community.

Registered ‘Advanced Exercise Professional’

Being involved in Fitness and therapeutic exercise for many years, Peter is a Senior Level Advanced Exercise Professional and Personal Trainer registered with Fitness Australia, Australia’s official registrar for the Fitness Industry. Peter values very highly the exercise science within the fitness industry and incorporates this in all his exercise instruction and programs. As well as a magnificent Yoga and Meditation Studio, he has also created what he describes as a ‘Rejuvenation Gymnasium’ where he focuses on exercise therapy for specific muscular skeletal problems and Healthy ageing. The theme from the Latin:

‘MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO’ Meaning – ‘A Sound Mind in A Sound Body’. Here Peter proscribes specific exercise therapy for his patients. He also teaches a style of walking that gives the fitness of a runner but without the injuries.

Certified Functional Ageing Specialist

Peter is a senior level Personal Trainer and Sports Nutritionist. In 2014 he became qualified as a ‘Certified Functional Ageing Specialist’ by the International certification body, ‘Functional Ageing Institute’ USA. This organisation is a world leader in ‘Functional Fitness’ for mature age people wanting to get fit and strong safely. His focus is on showing people how they can rejuvenate and actually ‘Re-invent’ their Body, Mind and Life safely with great results and personal satisfaction. As he teaches – ‘Re-Shape Your Body – Reshape Your Life’!

Therapeutic Yoga Teacher

Teaching his own brand of ‘Revitalisation Therapeutic Yoga’ in clinical practice throughout his career, Peter completed  teacher training with various yoga styles and trainers including Master Yoga Teacher Nicky Knoff, one of the world’s foremost Yoga teachers who has been referred to as the ‘Mother of Yoga’ in Australia.

As time passes and I saver the deeper flavour of my yoga experience, I more fully appreciate the study I did with Nicky. I am lead to appreciate the later deeper writings of B.K.S. Iyengar and see more his influence in Nicky’s yoga style. For over 18 years Nicky travelled to and from India learning from this phenomenal and very challenging teacher. I value the privilege I had to study under Nicky Knoff. Training on this path is not for any but the most dedicated student. It is an experience I will never forget and will continue to savour”.

Peter teachers his own unique style of mind/body yoga that is specifically designed to be revitalising on all levels. He calls it ‘Revitalisation Therapeutic Yoga’.  The style utilises the benefits yoga and modern exercise science combined with Peter’s unique approach for the routine to be functional and to stimulate the body’s healing response. It is a one on one teaching experience geared to the individual needs of the client/patient being friendly and safe, meeting the person where they are at and moving forward from there. It is much more possible for a wider range of individuals, particularly for the over 40’s or any like Peter, who have had previous sporting injuries and accidents during their lifetime that are causing restriction and challenge later in life.

Yoga Alliance International awarded Peter ‘Expert Teacher Designation’ in recognition of his years of expertise in professional practice. Over the years Peter advanced to ‘ Senior Level 6 Yoga Teacher’ and is now a Registered ‘Master Yoga Teacher’ (therapeutic) and continues to develop and promote his discipline, style and ‘Art’ internationally.

Recently graduating in the field of ‘Brain Health’ Peter offers instruction on how to improve and maintain the chemistry, structure and function of not only the body but more importantly, the most vital organ of communication in the body – the Brain.

What makes Peter Edwards different from other healthcare professionals?

He is a product of his own philosophy, therapy and treatments. Apart from his formal qualifications gained over his 40 years of academic studies, research and ‘selective’ post graduate education, the serious life challenges he has successfully overcome has provided for the development of a unique set of skills.
‘Medicines including Natural medicines alone are often not enough’ Peter says.
Modern medicine as well as modern ‘natural’ medicine have become too caught up in almost entirely relying on the prescription of ‘medicines and supplements to treat disease’ rather than looking deeply into the fabric of the individual’s life, lifestyle and mindset.
Both medicines are establishing more and more ‘protocols’ to follow as the recommended and preferred method and prescription for the treatment of the specific ‘named’ disease condition.
Less time discussing and investigating possible underlying causative factors but swift proscribing of medicines and supplements has become the norm.
So often the individual’s mindset and internal and external environments are producing toxic body chemistry and biological responses effecting the person’s health and overall life experience.
We can do better than this!
‘A personalised holistic approach is needed.
I treat the whole individual, not just a disease name. I educate, not just medicate and most importantly, show people how they can help themselves using the dynamic powers of regeneration in them’!
As a clinician, the Science and Practice of Iridology has been without doubt, one of the keys to Peter’s ability to be able to successfully identify the all important ’cause of disease’.

Peter has developed one of the most advanced Iridology microscopes with photographic facilities in the world. The iris reveals much about the all-important chemistry, structure and function of the body on a cellular level. Iris indications can reveal ‘abnormalities’ within the organs and systems of the body. These can often be seen before symptoms appear.
Peter’s extensive Library of eye photos has been used with his permission by industry leaders such as ‘BLACKMORES Professional Services’ as teaching aids for naturopaths worldwide.

It is interesting that ‘Iridology’ is not taught in any of the BioMedical Sciences offered at Government approved teaching establishments these days. It is actually put down as ‘unproven, unscientific and not evidence based’. Why would this be so you may ask?

One reason could be this:

Iridology shows ‘abnormality’ within the tissue and chemistry of the living body. It can show when the body is being offended or poisoned by exposure to a toxic chemical including when this is occurring because of a proscribed medical drug or chemical cocktail introduced into the body.

Online consultations require a clear ‘sharp’ High Resolution photo of both eyes.

Peter’s focus is simple. Correctly identify the cause of the disease and show the patient how it can be effetely removed. This naturally stimulates the healing response and recovery is the inevitable result – where it is possible. As he shares with his patients, ‘Correctly knowing what your dealing with and its cause is usually more than halfway to a lasting positive outcome’!

This is very different to just giving remedies be it natural or whatever, to treat the symptoms.

‘Lasting improvement and recovery are only possible when the underlying cause has been successfully identified and removed. The body has a tremendous ability to heal itself once it is given the chance. I offer no wonder drugs or supplements, only the resources of nature working with the natural laws that govern the health and wellness of the body. It has been my repeated experience that the body is extremely resilient and responds remarkably once given the chance. Only by working with your body and its needs, reading the symptoms correctly and not just treating them, can an individual hope to realistically work towards a positive and lasting recovery. – Peter W. Edwards

Peter has seen recovery in many of his patients where it was not thought possible. This was achieved by applying his biological method of understanding and treatment to the patients unique and specific needs. In the final analysis – when all is said and done – Results speak the loudest!

‘I am proud to offer a healthy alternative to modern medicine which continues to become more dangerous because of the use of very powerful and toxic drugs and substances to treat disease. I apply my skills in the Healing Arts as that, an Art that I progressively strive to cultivate and improve. By this I refer to educating and empowering my patients help themselves and using less medicines wherever possible. It is also my opinion the modern natural medicine profession, now referred to as ‘Complementary Medicine’ has become much like the medical establishment and relies too much on medicines and remedies rather than working the the inherent healing powers and dynamics within the body.’

When not in clinic giving ‘online consultations’, Peter and his wife Patricia enjoy their beautiful garden paradise set in the middle of World Heritage Listed Rainforest in Lamington National Park.