Case Study 1:
Thirty years of headaches stopped in just a few days!
Dear Peter
I write to thank you for your guidance as well as sharing my experiences with your readers…On Peter’s advice I embarked on a special detoxification diet and changed my lifestyle. In less than a few days results and changes followed immediately and dramatically. From a headache every 2nd or 3rd day and dependence of Ergotamine, I went for 3 months without a headache.
Peter your method has certainly worked for me. It is wonderful to wake up in the morning without all the stiffness the dull headaches and the swallowing of anti depressant tablets and headache capsules. Peter thank you once again for your support and understanding. I have no hesitation in recommending you to my family, friends and colleagues should the need arise.
Headaches are a sign of dirty blood. Your chemistry is wrong. See where it is coming from, remove the cause and again, give the body the right conditions and it will heal itself – where it is possible!
Case Study 2
I suffered my first migraine at the age of 12 − very severe blurred vision − loss of feeling head to toe and right side. Around the age of 14 was found to be suffering from anaemia and was treated by diet and medication. By 17 I was having bad sinus problems and referred to an ear, nose and throat specialist who treated me for a considerable time with inhalation drops and tablets (type unknown).
Over the years several specialists have been consulted. Migraine and sinus problems have plagued me through the years, at times having to have morphine injections for the migraine (for some years now have taken Migral tablets for attacks). Over the years various drops and tablets have been prescribed for the sinus. At one time the specialist used a suction type of tube to draw off mucus but the general opinion given was ‘it is a chronic condition with a post nasal drip which you will just have to live with, if they become infected we will treat them with antibiotics’.
I married in 1946 and had two trouble-free pregnancies. Around 1952 was diagnosed as having an inactive Thyroid and was on medication for 3 to 4 years.
In 1963 I had a Hysterectomy and was suffering a constant loss of blood over a period of some months − cause unknown. So the specialist decided he would have to operate and found enlarged veins on all organs. He carried out a full Hysterectomy plus removal of appendix. Thrombosis was a concern and I had a draining tube in for 6 weeks. A deep-seated infection occurred and at three months there seemed the possibility of more surgery but the infection was cleared in time to prevent this.
Around 1966 a Hiatus Hernia was diagnosed. In 1972 I was involved in a motor accident and received a severe whip lash injury and was under the care of specialists and physio for around 18 months but was left with reduced use of neck and in considerable pain.
Early in 1988 I was suffering exhaustion − aches and pains in different parts of the body. Neck was allowing less movement and I had severe cramps. Right arm would ache constantly for days. Hands and feet were becoming stiff and painful. Sight and memory deteriorating and migraine becoming very frequent (sometimes 3 in a week). I consulted my doctor and had a series of blood tests followed by a diagnosis of Ross River Fever, a cholesterol reading of 8 and arthritis in hands and feet. Treatment given was 8 Panamax tablets daily; this treatment continued for around 4 months.
I queried the taking of so many for a prolonged period and was assured they would cause no harm. I decided to cease taking some and advised my doctor of my decision. Around the latter part of 1989 I had a giddy turn and if I stayed flat on back I was right but to turn on right side the world went for a spin. My condition was thought to be an inner ear infection and I was referred to a Neurologist who confirmed the condition. An EEG was taken and all was clear.
I discussed my memory loss but was assured it was ‘a condition of my age and that if I noticed memory problems then there was nothing to worry about as it was only when you could not acknowledge loss of memory that there was a problem’. My general condition was showing no improvement so I requested a referral to a physician specialist. After more blood tests his diagnose after 2 visits was Fibrositis and Chronic Fatigue. I could go on and on.
I decided to give Orthodox Medicine away and turn to Alternative Medicine and consulted a naturopathic physician to see if I could get some answers to my problems. Well I certainly did. At the end of my first consultation I knew that there was a problem with my liver and kidneys − my loss of memory due to hardening of artery at base of skull and an allergy to wheat and dairy products. After my first Therapy Treatment there was a marked improvement in my neck movement and some easing of pain.
I had decided if I was going to give this treatment a real try I would follow the instructions and diet to the letter − this I did.
In the first 3 weeks I did wonder at times if all the misery was worth it. I had two massive migraine attacks (worst for years) and a heavy cold − there was a constant loss of mucus varying from cream to brown. I started to cough up hard pieces of mucus the size of 10- cent pieces that were brown and looked like crumpled leather, 16 in all. I was assured by my physician that I would be worse before I was better.I had further Therapy Treatments and by the 5th week the change in my being was unbelievable. All aches, pains and cramps in neck area gone – no aching limbs – no pains in lower back – arthritis stiffness gone from hands and feet.
I looked forward to rising and getting on with the day with no sign of fatigue. A great achievement.
My thanks to Dr Peter Edwards.
Frances L. Glassen.
What a story! Re-reading this after all these years sure re-confirms to me the effectiveness of ‘this method’. This patient followed all the instructions I gave her to the letter. They were the same as I now give you contained in my book VITALITY. I continued to see this woman over many years, not only once per year as a patient but also when her daughter and her grand-daughter came in to see me.
This lady remained healthy and well and was able to put an end to her life-long health problems! The changes she made changed her life! Would you like this experience in your life or the life of someone you know? I have to say, it is possible in most cases.