Why are so many people ‘Chronically fatigued’ these days?

One of the main reasons is the mismanagement of earlier diseases in that person’s life. Particularly conditions effecting the body’s most important organ of detoxification, The Liver! How many people who have had glandular fever, hepatitis, ross river fever and recurring conditions causing systemic sluggish are then diagnosed with ‘Chronic Fatigue’?

Also, many who have had ongoing health problems end up with the same diagnosis? Most! Why? Because they have been treated for the presenting symptoms and not the underlying cause of the disease. Which is a raised toxicity in the systemic chemistry of the body.

Liver sluggishness and simply liver involvement causes one symptom; ‘Fatigue’! And from here all the other symptoms of a tired and struggling body manifest.

I have an interesting case study I would like to share.

December 2018
“When I first met Peter & Patricia I was an absolute wreck. My physical energy was so low I had to lie down to digest my meals. I could barley do many normal day-to-day activities like have a shower, walk up stairs, stand for long periods of time or sleep. For 6 months I had had an average of 2-4hours sleep per night. I had been to see multiple specialists & integrative doctors. I had even spent a weekend in hospital in an effort to resolve my worsening fatigue and insomnia. I was a mere shadow of a person and Peter referred to my body as that of a “prisoner of war.”
The medical industry was a circus of appointments, expenses, tests and complicated diagnoses that involved several medications or heavy supplementation.
I went to see Peter after hearing of a glowing recommendation from a relative who had overcome their similar fatigued condition following Peter’s advice. I was completely desperate for even the slightest improvement in my condition but was very nervous to see yet another practitioner.  After 10 days of Peter’s guidance and going through the detox I had a night of sleeping for 6 hours straight, unmedicated, and I went for a light 2km walk. I was beside myself with happiness. Over the following weeks and months I carefully followed Peter’s advice on rebuilding myself and went from strength to strength, My fatigue gradually lifted and my sleep became more consistent. He was there for every dip and rise in my rollercoaster. He listened to my fears, he gave me hope. He offered his heartfelt empathy in a way practitioners rarely do. He encouraged patience and continually offered me gems of wisdom that I will now carry with me for the rest of my life.
Peter understands what it is like to have to start from scratch and everything that that journey entails. His knowledge and gentle method of practicing saved me. I can’t highly recommend him enough to anyone suffering relentless fatigue and insomnia or to anyone who is searching for a more grounded, simplified and natural way to heal, I will be forever in debt to the knowledge & wisdom that he gave to me during the most sensitive and difficult time in my life.” Nat.

This has been a very positive experience for both patient and practitioner. Why? The practitioner was very will to help (as usual) and the patient was prepared to do anything to help herself – and she did! There is a saying: “Most diseases are curable – but not all patients are”

It is my regular experience to observe that some sick and tired people are not open to change, a new idea or having to go out of their way to help themselves. Most often become addicted to their computer, social media and medical drugs like anti depressants and appear to live only half lives.

The female in the above testimonial was willing to do anything to improve her lot and life experience and this Is the key to health and healing where it is possible. She mixed the two magical words ‘hope and faith’ into her recovery plan and the rest is her history. I positive recovery ‘life-changing’ experience. The wisdom and understanding she has gained from her recovery has bought a new state of awareness to her entire being.

If you have read other case studies I have shared, you will hopefully understand that the major underlying cause of this condition is lowered vitality that impairs the body’s ability to function efficiently includes restriction in the efficient elimination of body wastes. If not corrected, this situation leads to the condition of toxemia, which is in reality poisoned blood.

It is certainly no coincidence that so many people in our modern society are suffering what can only be correctly described as chronic fatigue.

It is interesting to note that all the various forms of diseases that cause ongoing chronic fatigue and painful joints such as hepatitis, glandular fever, Ross River fever, Dengue fever, cytomeglier virus, and ongoing chronic fatigue (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or M.E.), etc., are all conditions which involve the function of the liver.

Regarding glandular fever, just about every day I see people, particularly between 20 and 50 years, having been positively diagnosed as having this condition. Glandular fever is in epidemic proportions in modern society.

Why? One reason is because of the overuse of prescription drugs, particularly antibiotics. All these chemical substances have to be handled by the liver over the years. Even the medical establishment is warning doctors that antibiotics are being prescribed too often.

People just don’t get glandular fever, Ross River fever, hepatitis, the flu, etc., they are set up for them well beforehand. The same way we are set up for all disease, there are no coincidences in health, just the law of cause and effect constantly in operation. We can get set up for health and vitality too! This is called a vitality cycle and is predictable as well.

Regarding disease, if a sick person walked into a crowded room and coughed and sneezed over everyone there, only some people would get sick. Why? Because they were all ready set up for it well before then. Their bodies had the right internal environment just ready to host the micro-organisms that the sick person was spreading. Luck has nothing to do with it. Remaining strong and healthy is a matter of choice and not chance as many seem to believe!

The liver is the ‘first filter’ of the body, the kidneys are the second. The liver is the major detoxifying organ of the body, hence its importance in regulating the chemistry of the blood, the body’s river of life. This is why all conditions that have liver involvement have as their main symptoms, chronic tiredness and, most times, painful joints. This is due to the toxic encumbrances being retained in the blood.

If the liver and blood are not given the chance to detoxify and the body as a whole given the conditions it needs biologically to self regulate, adjust and cleanse itself, recovery in real and lasting terms is slow and not fully possible.

Sufferers of these conditions are known to experience this chronic state of fatigue for years. Many will relate their symptoms have never fully cleared or that they can return years later. This is often the case and when the underlying causes are not removed, many go on to develop allergies and reactions to various foods, household and environmental substances.

Why is this so? Is there a reason for this, a common thread of cause in all these conditions that is not being addressed? Yes there is, there is indeed. Read on and let the cause of disease and the cause of health be revealed.

Chronic fatigue syndrome (M.E.)

A female 38 years of age presented to my clinic in what she described as a real mess. She suffered from many symptoms common in the condition of toxaemia. The patient had been suffering from what had been medically diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS or M.E.) for the past three and a half years and was by this stage so severely debilitated by her condition she was restricted to a pension. She was pale, thin and only half alive as she will relate in her own words.

Yes, there is hope!

In August last year I came to Peter’s Clinic wondering if there was hope for one exhausted person who had been ill with chronic fatigue syndrome and DDT poisoning. Four years ago I felt healthy, enjoyed life, was a Personnel Manager and I owned my own house. When chronic illness hit my life like a bomb I was devastated. I spent weeks/months totally incapacitated and my world crashed in around me as I lost my employment, house, independence and health. I finally ended up on an invalid pension. Not many people understood the pain that I experienced on the inside as I tried to cope with chronic illness, so I poured my heart out to God, who sustained me through those times.

By the time I visited Peter I had been to many practitioners, some were top medical specialists. I had tried many different treatments. Some helped for a little while but it seemed that I would be continually ill for the rest of my life. Peter offered me the hope I had been searching for – ‘Yes, you can get back to good health but it may take 6-18 months.’ I didn’t care how long it took as long as I got well again.

Sometimes when we are ill we expect practitioners or others to offer the instant miracle cure – I did and I even expected that from God – but there comes a time when we must accept responsibility for our own health. Peter offered me a challenge – ‘If you do what I advise, then you will get well.’ Sensing hope for recovery I took his advice and fasted, changed my diet, started exercising (very slowly at first), enjoyed the sun more, removed a lot of stress from my life and generally improved my lifestyle.

Peter told me that I would experience times of illness as my body detoxified from the poisons in my system – he was right. For the next three months I experienced diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, tiredness, dizziness, back and muscle pain, etc.

Yes, I did need to see Peter for assurance that I was on the right track as I went through this cleansing period because at times I was very discouraged. Peter was very understanding, encouraging and supportive during this time – that gave me the courage to keep going.

In November, my health began to improve dramatically. Now I am doing regular weight training at the gym. I do not experience memory loss or chronic fatigue anymore and I am careful to know my current limitations and don’t overdo things. I have begun part- time work and enjoy the highest level of energy I have experienced in four years. So to all the people who have experienced chronic illness I want to say that yes there is hope as long as you accept responsibility for your recovery by changing your lifestyle and following Peter’s advice. It’s not easy at first, but Peter is always there to give advice, love, support and to ensure that the long term results give you quality of life. So not only is there hope but also friends to help you along the way.

– Diane.

Diane was one of those people every practitioner wants to meet. She had arrived at the stage of willing to do anything to help improve her condition. She did everything I asked of her, to the letter. As she relates, she sure did have to retrace the path of disease and this needed a firm conviction behind what she was doing so that she would not give up and consider it was not worth continuing. She did progress and the experience was a blessing to both of us.

As Diane related in her letter, and this is the key to the whole story, ‘I want to say that yes there is hope as long as you accept responsibility for your recovery by changing your lifestyle and following Peter’s advice’.

This is the key to recovery from disease to the restoration of health and the building of wonderful glowing vitality. ‘You must accept responsibility for your own health, life and future’. Do all that you can do to help yourself, seek out competent advice when needed and then apply yourself with all your heart and mind. Faith is a necessary factor in what you do.

It gives you the sticking power to continue even when the road becomes a little rough. Remember these words, ‘produce the right causes in your life, continue them long enough and the corresponding effects will come. So long as it is possible, your body will heal itself’.